Thank You!

Many thanks to all who donated to Crawford Gives 2020 in the name of CARE. Totals are still coming in and the added pro-rated funds are still being calculated. CARE will announce the amount raised for the Cochranton Fair Board as soon as the Crawford Heritage Community Foundation notifies us of the totals — just shy of $2400 has been raised so far. Again, thank you!


Crawford Gives is OPEN!

Online donations to CARE through Crawford Gives is now open until 11:59 pm, Aug. 11. Care has designated the Cochranton Fair Board a recipient of the donations generated through this event with a goal of $5000. The Fair Board is looking to update the Cochranton fairgrounds which includes building a new Home Show building. With the advent of Covid-19 and all of its ramifications, including the cancellation of the Founders Day Auction and its Golf Outing, CARE lost its ability to raise funds for the Fair Board as planned. Crawford Gives not only offers a safe way to donate to the cause but also includes prorated matching funds to increase your gift. Head on over to to support this community project today.

Writing a Check to CrawfordGives?

For those of you who would prefer to write a check for CARE through the CrawfordGives Event on August 10 and 11, please note the following. Checks should be written out to the Crawford Heritage Community Foundation with CARE in the memo line. All checks need to arrive at the Foundation no later than Aug. 11. Hand deliver your check to Crawford Heritage Community Foundation at 415 Chestnut St. or mail to Crawford Heritage Community Foundation at PO Box 933, Meadville, PA 16335. Whether you submit by check or go online at CARE thanks you for your donation — let’s build a new Home Show building on the fairgrounds!

CARE joins Crawford Gives Aug. 10 & 11

CARE’s spirit has not been cancelled! While our in-person fundraising events have been abandoned in the face of the ongoing pandemic, our online partnership with Crawford Gives remains. On Aug. 10 and Aug. 11, CARE will be listed as a charitable organization seeking funds for a Cochranton Fair Board project; build a new Home Show building at the Cochranton Fairgrounds. This special two-day event of the Crawford Heritage Foundation allows generous and financially able businesses and individuals to donate to a favorite cause at Donations will receive a prorated match from the Foundation. Mark your calendars, give what you can, and by all means, pass the word!


CARE Updates

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, board members of the Cochranton Area Redevelopment Effort (CARE) have had to adjust their 2020 plans in both big and small ways.  The Founders Day Auction slated for April 4 was first postponed until June 20 and then cancelled altogether. Donations for the event have been carefully cataloged and set aside for the 2021 auction.  The auction committee continues to address the auction’s needs so that it will be bigger and better going into 2021. They remain committed to raising funds for the new home show building on the Cochranton Fairgrounds.

Veterans Way, located between Custom Countertops and the Market Place on Adams Street, continues to be a work in progress.  A variety of hosta and Bird’s Nest spruce were planted this spring.  New benches have been requested and a flag pole ordered. The mural on the Coblentz building is expected to be painted this summer.

CARE proudly sponsored WQLN’s production of Our Town: Cochranton which aired on June 4. The group is grateful for all of the phone calls that flooded the studio in support of our little town and the Public Broadcast System (PBS). Members of PBS can access the program online in its entirety by using their password at and, of course, many Cochrantonites received the Our Town: Cochranton DVD: One, for sure, will be donated to the library.

Next up was the French Creek Poker Paddle.  On the calendar for June 27, the group debated the feasibility of the event taking place as scheduled.  Much of the groundwork had been laid with permits in place and promotions ready to go. At the time, final decisions needed to be made, Crawford County had not reached Phase Green under the state’s coding system for monitoring the virus and while the group was sure they could follow social distancing protocols at the launch site, following those guidelines would prove problematic at the landing.  The French Creek Poker Paddle has been postponed until September or early October depending on the weather, water levels and wellness of those involved.

The French Creek Heritage Event (FCHE) held in mid-July each year has been cancelled also.  Vendors, re-enactors, and demonstrators as well as the travel and lodging accommodations for the guest speakers could not be guaranteed for the event. While this cancellation is a huge disappointment, the FCHE organizers are hopeful for 2021.

The August Golf Outing is on for Sunday, August 23, at Mt. Hope Golf Course. Since the event is outdoors and conducted in small groups, it was determined to be a safe and very much needed activity.  Sign-ups are available now by calling Josh Miller at (814) 671-2951 or by mailing your registration form to Josh at 25330 Oak Dr., Cochranton, PA  16314.  Forms are available at and on the bulletin board at the Cochranton Post Office.

The Adams Place senior housing project is on schedule and looks to open next summer.

As CARE continues to meet and discuss the status of planned and yet to be projects, the future health and heart of Cochranton and its surrounding area remains a priority. Be safe.



In recent days, the Cochranton Area Redevelopment Effort, CARE, has been focusing on a way to help seniors and other vulnerable citizens of the Borough during this COVID-19 crisis.  Connections with area businesses, churches, and the Cochranton Caring Committee have yielded several resources to address these needs.  It is the intention of the group to keep the community informed so that no one falling into the at-risk category of age 60 and over is left without the resources needed to stay healthy over the next several weeks.


The Cochranton Community Pharmacy will deliver prescriptions and other items from the pharmacy to the residents of the borough and outlying areas.  Prescriptions need to be called in during the morning hours for delivery that day or the next depending on availability.  Please contact the pharmacy at (814) 638-0040.  Purchases must be made with a credit card.

The Cochranton Market Place will deliver grocery orders of $15 or more to borough residents only.  Orders should be placed early in the day and must be made with a credit card. Call (814) 425-3690.

Miller’s Country Store, located at 19177 PA-285, Cochranton, will deliver deli and grocery orders over $10 within a 10 mile radius.  Purchases can be made by credit card or mobile on the go app only.  Call (814) 425-1017.

If you are a senior in need of food and live outside the Borough, Marsha Rynd, president of CARE, will try to make arrangements to get food to you.  She can be reached at (814) 425-7279.


The Food Bank is located at the Methodist Church in Cochranton.  If you are in need of food or household dry goods, call Candy Stearns at (814) 425-7097 for assistance.  If you would like to volunteer at the Food Bank, Candy would love to hear from you as well.


Food and prescriptions may not be the only need in our community.  Per their website, PA 2-1-1 Northwest is part of the national 2-1-1 Call Centers initiative that seeks to provide an easy-to-remember telephone number, chat, text, and a web resource for finding health and human services– for everyday needs and in crisis situations.  Dial 2-1-1 or visit their website at  < >  for updates and support.

Please pass this information along to those who would benefit.  As always, CARE


The difficult decision to cancel the 2019 French Creek Heritage Event slated for July 13 and 14, did not come easily for the Cochranton Area Redevelopment Effort (CARE). When several vendors were unable to commit and scheduling the re-enactors became problematic, CARE felt presenting anything less than what they promised was not acceptable. The group asks for your understanding.

Please know that the 2020 event is on track to be everything you have come to expect from CARE and more.