Auction! Auction!

The Cochranton Area Redevelopment Effort (CARE) Founders Day Auction is on April 7 at the CochrantonCommunity Church.  Doors open at 5.

The Cochranton Senior Center Chefs will be providing the refreshments for purchase.  Tickets for the Green Mountain Pellet Grill will be on sale until the drawing.  Pavers for the brick walk in the Memorial Garden at Lions Park can be purchased throughout the evening.  Each paver is $50.  The Undercover Girls have donated a queen size quilt which will be raffled off during the evening.  Tickets for the quilt will also be on sale (buy early--there are only 10 tickets left!).


The auctioneer, Larry Porter, will begin the bidding at 6.  The generosity of the community will be on full display with many great items:  Huey Lewis and the News concert tickets, a canoe, a diamond ring, a hand-blown glass vase, gift baskets filled with all sorts of goodies.  

Come.  Enjoy the evening with us and raise money for the playground, the Memorial Garden, and the picnic area at the creek access area in town.  Free admission.

Brick Pavers on Sale Until April 7

The Memorial/Honor Garden will recognize loved ones in a designated spot with trees, benches and engraved pavers purchased by donors.  The brick pavers can feature up to three lines of type supporting up to 12 characters (including spaces) per line.  CARE reports that the response has been favorable but that sales of the pavers will end the night of the auction.  Anyone interested in purchasing a paver for the garden is encouraged to send their request to CARE c/o PO Box 552, Cochranton, PA  16314.  The group asks that you write out your intended message clearly along with your name and contact information before April 7.  Each paver ordered is $50.  Orders may also be dropped off at the Cochranton Area Public Library or the Cochranton Borough office.

What's not to love about BBQ?

A brand new, state of the art, pellet grill by Green Mountain could be yours!  The Daniel Boone model is WiFi smart, comes with 458 sq. in. cooking area and a bag of pellets to get you started. Raffle tickets ($5 ea. or 3 for $10) are available at the Cochranton Community Pharmacy, Northwest Pharmacy Solutions in Meadville and Hart's Machinery on Hwy 285, Cochranton.  Tickets will also be sold at the Founders Day Auction, April 7, before the drawing.  See more at

Founders Day Auction April 7

CARE will host the Founders Day Auction on April 7 at the Cochranton Community Church.  Proceeds from the auction will help complete Phase III of the Playground Project, develop picnic and parking areas at the launch and landing site along French Creek and landscape small green spaces about the town.  Food and fun planned for a fantastic evening.  Doors open at 5:30 pm.